Are we prepared?
“It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when,” says Dr. Larry Delver. Whether you’re a grower of food, a processor or marketer of food, or just someone who enjoys eating it, that one short sentence should make
The decision to change a production practice on your farm can be a difficult one without the certainty of how it will impact the bottom line.
“It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when,” says Dr. Larry Delver. Whether you’re a grower of food, a processor or marketer of food, or just someone who enjoys eating it, that one short sentence should make
Anything that affects a calf’s profitability is worth noting and according to an ongoing study conducted at 18 Iowa feedlots fed through the Iowa Tri- County Steer Carcass Futurity (TCSCF), various disposition traits affect the bottom line. Using a Beef
Much of the discussion regarding feed efficiency has always centered on the feedlot animal while ignoring the fact that roughly 70 percent of the production costs in a beef cattle herd go towards feed-related costs of the cows. Seventy percent
Studies have shown that when cows and calves are fenceline weaned, (cows and calves on opposite sides of the fence – and can see each other), they are less distressed compared with remote weaning. According to Clyde Lane, Jr., Professor,
The potential of intensive grazing in pounds of beef and soil and pasture improvement as well as cash returns have been touted wherever there are grazing animals, but it’s still not the norm. One of the challenges is getting cattle